Tuesday 6 September 2016

R11: Timetable on group research/planning tasks

Timetable: Group research/planning tasks

Audience survey
Audience survey has been made and some responses have been collected, but we would like more responses.
Audience survey analysis
Fahmida is going to be analyzing questions 2,4,6,8,10 and Shakeina is responsible for analyzing questions 1,3,5,7 and 9.  We are going to be filming ourselves talking.
Script: 07/09/16 (morning)
Filming:07/09/16 (afternoon)
Focus group
Focus group has been film, it needs to be edited and analyzed using a podcast.
Analyzing script: 9/09/19
Editing: 10/09/16
Interviews have been conducted, it needs to be edited and analyzed using essay.
Analyzing script: 13/09/16
Editing: 13/09/16
Audience profile (X2)
We will use animation to create audience profile for both male and female.
Male: Fahmida
Female: Shakeina
Script: 17/09/16
Create: 18th/09/16


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