Saturday 17 September 2016

R14: Audience profile script (female)

Name: Adira

Age: 18*

Occupation: Student & works part time in the Half Moon Theatre - She fits into the catorgory E as she is a student however she also fits into D as she works part time in a theatre, thus she is semi skilled.
Studying: A levels - media studies, product design and English literature at Central Foundation Sixth Form

Adira is a ambitious girl, keen on becoming a novelist or a script writer and a hardcore fan of the Sherlock Series, both books and TV series edition. If it comes to her favourite book, it has to be A Study in Scarlet (Sherklock #1), the first of the Sherlock book series.

During the weekends, she works at a local theater called the Half Moon Theater in Limehouse, where she helps with the drama production and the script writing for younger teenagers to participate in.

During her spare time, she enjoys looking up horror movie scripts at her favourite website "Simply Scripts". She does this so that she can analyse the literature of the scripts as she believes that with good literature in a script comes with a good movie.

She also enjoys binge-watching the James Bond Series every so often when she gets the time. Her favorite author is Conan Doyle whom she refers to as "the genius of the Sherlock series".

Adira may be in the field of "Explorers" as her psycho-graphic as during her spare time she reads a lot of literature by reading novels and studying scripts to explore variations of literature that she can then apply if she becomes a writer.

* I have changed the age from 17 - 18 previously written on our audience profile notes.

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