Sunday 4 September 2016

R10: Analyzing horror movie posters

Film: The Faith of Anna Waters

Year: 2016

Genre: Horror mystery.

This is a 2016 American-Singaporean horror, mystery film directed by Kelvin Tong. After the mysterious death of his sister, an American journalist travels to Singapore to investigate her death.

To begin with, the movie title “The Faith of Anna Waters” is written in a way so that words increase and decrease in size, with the word “faith” being the largest. This creates a distorted look to the poster and thus is a stereotypical factor of horror movies. Perhaps, this was used the highlight the word “faith”, connoting the significance of this word to the audience. This is another convention of horror movie posters and posters in general, because by highlighting the word “faith”, a plot hint is dropped, the idea that this movie might be about religion.  Moreover, the movie title is also colored in red and the word “faith” seems to be engraved with scriptures. Although, the writing of the scripture is not clear, it could be assumed that it is a religious scripture because of the word “faith”. Once, again the word “faith” is highlighted again. The color red is an extremely conventional color of horror movies, as the color red can connote to danger and blood, which is an iconic prop in horror movies. Overall, the use of text in this horror movie is very stereotypical to other horror movie posters.

Secondly, the use of color in this horror movie is also stereotypical to other horror movie posters with the mystery sub-genre. Generally, dark colors have been used to create the poster (black, grey and brown) and these colors are conventional colors, because they create a very sinister and mysterious connotation to the poster. Moreover, the use of low key-lighting and vignette editing, has created shadows and thus highlights the dark colors further. As a result, audiences are attracted to the dark vibe the poster gives. In addition, this poster conventionally uses a pop of color in the movie title and that of the color red, this is important, because the dark background allow the movie title to stand out, as this is one of the more important components of a movie poster.  Overall, the dark colors allow this horror movie poster to be stereotypical to other horror movie posters.

Thirdly, this poster conventionally features a mid-shot of one character that is centered in the middle of the rule of thirds. This character being female is also conventional (as in horror movies female characters are stereo-typically used as victims) and due to the movie title, we as an audience can assume that the character’s name is “Anna Waters”, once again conventionally dropping a plot hit. The female character seems to be clasping her hand tightly, while showing a very painful expression. Perhaps, she is praying, as in her hands she is holding desperately on to a religious necklace. This creates a stereotypical representation of women, as women are represented as being weak and vulnerable. This also stereo-typically represents religion as suggesting heal but inflicting pain, because the hands that she is using to hold onto the religious necklace, has blood streaming down from it. Moreover, the use of blood is symbolic of pain and is also a conventional prop used in horror movies, to represent death or pain. Thus, overall, this horror movie poster has many conventional features and these are the features that draw audiences in through curiosity to watch the film. 

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