Friday 16 September 2016

R14: Audience profile script (male)

Meet Kaneki,

He is a 19 year old University student, who is currently studying animation at London College of communication, thus can be placed in category E (Unemployed, student) of the demographics table.

Being in his second year of university studying animation, Kaneki knows all there is to using technologies of all kind to create basic animation.

Originally coming from West London, Kaneki has relocated to South East London to be near his university and is currently living in an apartment with his friends studying the same course.

From young, Kaneki enjoyed watching Japanese anime particular anime in the horror genre, his favorite being Tokyo Ghoul.

Being an animation student, Kaneki has learnt to appreciate the graphics of film and thus often judges the graphics of the trailer of a film before deciding whether to watch the film in the theatres.

His favorite graphic designer is Alan Payne, who happens to be the graphic designer for horror movie The Woman in Black.

Another of Kaneki’s hobby is travelling, and on his travels Kaneki picks up ideas for his work in University. Thus, Kaneki can by psycho-graphically described as an explorer, because of the fact that he enjoys travelling and uses his travelling experiences in his work.

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