Friday 20 January 2017

Post- Production: Audience Reaction to our editing

This audience feedback was very helpful as it gave us an idea as to how our audience will react to particular scenes of our horror film, for example, when Alan Smith reached for the hat, the forefront girl had a very serious expression, which is the correct emotional response that we want from our audience for this particular scene of the film. Thus, in this scene, our audience have produced a preferred reading (Stuart Hall Reception Theory)

From this audience feedback, we have a better understanding of the improvements that could be made on the footage, for example the individual who is not in the camera stated that she could not understand what the box on the ground was, this means that in the editing process, we will need to brighten that scene of the box, to make it more clear as to what the box is. In the 50's section of the narrative, the box is introduced as a pen box, but as our target audience have only reacted to a section of the modern scene, it was inevitable that our audience would not know what the brown box represents.

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