Friday 13 January 2017

Production: Filming day 4

In the 4th filming day, we shot the last scenes for the historical section and these were scenes 4,56 and 7. In these scenes, Richard Williams enters the haunted office, he sees his possessed wife and is also trapped in the office.

In this filming day, we hired our makeup artist again to do the makeup of the our female actress who plays the wife of Richard Williams, Sofia Williams. Although, there were a lot of scenes to shoot, the filming went smoothly as we were very organised. 

However, scene 7 is an establishing shot of both the modern and 50's office building, which was slightly difficult to do, because the day was rather sunny and we wanted to complete all required filming on the 4th filming day, but we overcame the weather by increasing the ISO of the camera, giving a darker effect to both the establishing shots. 

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