Sunday 27 November 2016

P: Lighting Plan (more notes)

Lighting plan (more notes)

I am writing the lighting plan for the modern section of our film, while my partner Shakeina will be writing the historical 1950's part of my film. However, before writing each part we came together to discuss the lighting plans for each section of our film.

Modern section:

In the first part of the modern section of our film, the lighting will be artificial lighting in a modern office, to connote that it is the modern times and that there has been a travel in time from the past to the present and this will continue until the protagonist of the modern section of the film (Carlos Alejandro) travels outside and in this part natural midday lighting  will be used, this particular lighting will be used in order to symbolize that the character has traveled from one place to another. The use of natural lighting during the midday is conventional of both the horror and mystery film genres, because the grayness of the lighting connotes that it will soon be dark and also may help to give our film a dingy texture. However, once Carlos Alejandro enters the old building of the 1950's office, low key lighting will be used in order to foreshadow that horror will follow in this building. Moreover, the use of low key lighting during horror scenes is a convention of horror movies and is used to create suspense for the audience.

1950's section:
In the first couple scenes of the film where the main character moves in to the office and a visit from his colleague we intend to use natural lighting through the office window as this could represent a "ordinary day" setting. The natural lighting will provide us with subtle use of light but not high key lighting as we are portraying a historical period and we do not want the audience to misinterpret the era perhaps thinking it is within the modern era.As the film progresses and time passes by as the audience enters the evening whereby the tension begins in which low key lighting will be used. The use of low key lighting is very conventional when it comes to horror films. Moreover the use of low key lighting almost creates a sense of mystery as not everything within the frame is shown leading the audience on the edge of their seats. We will be using wall lights which is considered as artificial lighting however this would give the effect of low key lighting.

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