Sunday 13 November 2016

P: Props list for Modern time

This is our props lost for the modern part of our film.

Very necessary
Moderately necessary
Fairly necessary
Not at all necessary

Where will we obtain this from
Contingency plan
Printed article
Fahmida and Shakeina will produce a printed article using word document
This will be borrowed from school
We will borrow from Fahmida
Computer chair
This will be borrowed from school
We will borrow from Fahmida
Online article
This will be produced by Fahmida and Shakeina
We will borrow from Fahmida
Mobile phone
This will be borrowed from our Actor , Mr. Ali
We will borrow from Fahmida
Computer, mouse and keyboard
This will be borrowed from school
We will borrow from Fahmida
Brown Desk
This will be borrowed from school
We will buy from the charity shop
This will be bought online
We will make it on our own
1950’s style keys
This will be created by Fahmida and Shakeina from old keys we have at home.
1950’s style pen box
We will buy from the charity shop in Roman Road
We will get someone from the RM (Resistant Material) department to make the pen box
1950’s style locket chain
We will have to order online
We will use something from home.

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