Wednesday 30 November 2016

P: Improving our radio trailer script with Niraj Chag

This is an audio of SFS Studios improving our radio trailer script with sound designer Niraj Chag, who has worked with many companies such as the BBC to produce the music score for documentaries and films.

BFI reflection

BFI Reflection:

At the BFI we looked at representation of social groups in media, in particular films and moving images.

The first social group we looked at and analysed representations was of ethnic minorities, specially the black community. We first looked at Beyoncé’s music video for formation, in which there where many references to the civil rights movement and the recent Black Lives matter movement, in which these movements were praised. Secondly, we looked at another documentary interview, whereby a young black girl was being interviewed in her journey of attending University of Oxford. Both videos, empowered the black community through representing black people as significant in history and as intelligent.

Tuesday 29 November 2016

P: Radio script (Draft 1)

​Radio Trailer - Script
(Format - audio)
(Fade in)
MUSIC: Sharp French horn, one long note
Ghost of Sofia williams
Demonic Voice
But if you see your self...RUN!

MUSIC: The French horn comes to an abrupt halt and echoed

SOUND: Silence
Can you do me a favour?
SOUND: Favour is echoed 3 times but is interrupted by a scream
SOUND: Static door knob rustling and fades out
SOUND: Flash forward
Mr Jackson (On phone)
I'll need a good story soon
SOUND: Stretched subtle Echoes
Carlos Alejandro
I'll get right to it
SOUND: Typing, click scrolling sound and echoes
MUSIC: Sharp French horn fades in and gradually increases in volume
SOUND: Echoes
There were no traces of the couple found
MUSIC: French horn comes to an abrupt halt
VOICE over:
"The living past" in cinemas October 31st

Sunday 27 November 2016

P: Lighting Plan (more notes)

Lighting plan (more notes)

I am writing the lighting plan for the modern section of our film, while my partner Shakeina will be writing the historical 1950's part of my film. However, before writing each part we came together to discuss the lighting plans for each section of our film.

Modern section:

In the first part of the modern section of our film, the lighting will be artificial lighting in a modern office, to connote that it is the modern times and that there has been a travel in time from the past to the present and this will continue until the protagonist of the modern section of the film (Carlos Alejandro) travels outside and in this part natural midday lighting  will be used, this particular lighting will be used in order to symbolize that the character has traveled from one place to another. The use of natural lighting during the midday is conventional of both the horror and mystery film genres, because the grayness of the lighting connotes that it will soon be dark and also may help to give our film a dingy texture. However, once Carlos Alejandro enters the old building of the 1950's office, low key lighting will be used in order to foreshadow that horror will follow in this building. Moreover, the use of low key lighting during horror scenes is a convention of horror movies and is used to create suspense for the audience.

1950's section:
In the first couple scenes of the film where the main character moves in to the office and a visit from his colleague we intend to use natural lighting through the office window as this could represent a "ordinary day" setting. The natural lighting will provide us with subtle use of light but not high key lighting as we are portraying a historical period and we do not want the audience to misinterpret the era perhaps thinking it is within the modern era.As the film progresses and time passes by as the audience enters the evening whereby the tension begins in which low key lighting will be used. The use of low key lighting is very conventional when it comes to horror films. Moreover the use of low key lighting almost creates a sense of mystery as not everything within the frame is shown leading the audience on the edge of their seats. We will be using wall lights which is considered as artificial lighting however this would give the effect of low key lighting.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

P: Script (Final)

As according to our audience feedback, the directors notes have been reduced, more stage directions have been added and contact details on the title page have been added,

Monday 14 November 2016

P: Costumes list historical part

Name of prop
Why we need this
Urgency of prop (1-5:   1 being not necessary 5 being very necessary)
Clue item
Fedora/Pear boy hat
Classical accessory worn commonly by employed men in the 50s
Plaid/striped Blazer
Formal work attire worn by men in the 50s
White shirt
Same as above
Cream/grey pants
Same as above
Classical accessory commonly used by employed men in the 50s
Same as above
Same as above
Cream/white blouse
Formal work attire worn by women in the 50s
High wasted black Skirt/pants
Same as above
Platform shoes X2
Same as above
Same as above except   for male
Blazer for women
Formal attire worn by women in the 50s who work
Long bag X2
Common accessory commonly worn by women in the 1950s
Pearl necklace
Same as above
Long female coat
Outwear for women in the 50s
50’s female up-do wig
Common hairstyle for   women in the 50s
Red lipstick x2
Common make up used in the 50s
Powdered foundation x3
One shade for dark skin colour, light skin colour and pale shaded for possessed look
Pink Blush x2
Common make up used in the 50s
Studded earrings x2
Common accessory worn in the 50s


Jewellery, makeup & wigs


Very necessary

Moderately necessary

Fairly necessary

Not at all necessary

How these items will be obtained:

  • Pendant - Buy from amazon, or obtain it from our jewellery collection
  • Fedora or Pear Boy Hat - Fahmida will get it from home
  • Plaid/Striped Blazer - Actor, Adam will get this from home
  • White Shirt - Actor, Adam will get this from home
  • Black pants - Actor, Adam will get this from home
  • Briefcase - Obtain from drama prop's department
  • Tie - Actor, Adam will get this from home
  • Grey Dress - Actress, Naima will get from home
  • Grey Blazer - Fahmida will get this from home
  • Platform shoes - Actresses, Naima and Shani will get these from home
  • Loader/Monk - Actor, Adam will get this from home
  • Black Handbag - Actress will get this
  • Pearl Necklace - I will get this from home
  • Red Blazer - Will purchase from Amazon
  • 50's female up-do wig - will get from props department
  • Red lipstick - Actresses, Naima and Shani will get these from home
  • Powdered foundation - Fahmida and Shani will get this from home
  • Pink Blush - Fahmida and shank will get this
  • Studded earrings - Will purchase this from amazon

P: Costumes list Modern part

This is our costumes list for the modern part of our film, we have been realistic in how we will obtain these costumes and our contingency plan if we are unable to obtain these costumes.


Very necessary

Moderately necessary

Fairly necessary

Not at all necessary

For which Character
How will it be obtained
Contingency Plan
White Shirt

Alan Smith and Richard Williams
Our actor Adam King will get these costumes from his home
Buy from the charity shop in Roman Road
1950’s men’s blazer
Richard Williams
Our actor Adam King will get these costumes from his home
Buy from the charity shop in Roman Road
Formal trousers

Alan Smith and Richard Williams
Our actor Adam King will get these costumes from his home
Buy from the charity shop in Roman Road
1950's hat
Richard Williams
Fahmida will get this hat from home
Buy from the charity shop in Roman Road
Formal shoes
Alan Smith and Richard Williams
Our actor Adam King will get these costumes from his home
Buy from the charity shop in Roman Road
1950’s shirt
Sofia Williams
This will be purchased from Amazon or Ebay
Borrow from the drama department in school
1950's Pencil skirt
Sofia Williams
This will be purchased from Amazon or Ebay
Borrow from the drama department in school
1950's heels
Sofia Williams
Our actress Shani will be getting this from home
Borrow from the drama department in school
1950's blazer
Sofia Williams
This will be purchased from Amazon or Ebay
Borrow from the drama department in school
1950's hoop earrings, pearl necklace and bracelets
Sofia Williams
Shakeina will be getting all jewellery from home
Borrow from the drama department in school
1950's head band
Sofia Williams
Our actress Shani will be getting this from home
Borrow from the drama department in school
Face foundation
Sofia Williams
Fahmida will be getting this from home
Borrow from the drama department in school
Fake blood
Sofia Williams
We will borrow this from Ms Richards
We will make some using red food coloring 
Black eye shadow
Sofia Williams and Richard Williams
Fahmida will be getting this from home
We will purchase this from Superdrugs

Sunday 13 November 2016

P: Script improved (Draft 2)

Changes from previous script: 
Contingency plan:
Some scenes have been removed and due to change in actors, the name Carlos Alejandro has been changed to Alan Smith.

P: Props list for historical part

This is our props list for the historical part of our film

Furniture accessory
Very necessary
Moderately necessary
Fairly necessary
Not at all necessary

Name of prop
Why we need this
Urgency of prop (1-5: 1 being not necessary 5 being very necessary)
Office Chair
The main character is a journalist who is moving to his new office needing 50s style office furniture
Same as above
Same as above
Stack of paper
Same as above
Desk mat
Same as above
Pen box
Clue item
Standard stationary item in the 50s
Pens and pencils
Needed to be stored in pen box
Standard stationary item in the 50s
Cardboard boxes
The ‘moving in boxes’ for Richard Williams to move into his new office
Clue item
Wall Clock
Standard office item
Photo frame
An item that is placed on the desk while Richard Williams is moving in, also a way to introduce the character and relationship
Needed as a clue object for events occurring during the film