Wednesday 15 March 2017

Evaluation Question 4

Using Digital technology in evaluation:

During the evaluation process of the production both software and hardware were incorporated and all worked in synergy to produce all 4 evaluation questions. For example, I made drafts of each evaluation question by writing it up on Microsoft Word Document using a Mac book. This was very helpful, because I could always go back to the document and make amendments any time I wanted and I could store useful links on to the document to look into if necessary, such as a bit of extra research. In addition, to package my evaluation questions, I used a variety of presentation tools, such as Prezi, Powtoon and Video Scribe. Out of all that I have used, my favourite would be Video scribe, because it did not require internet access, as it was installed on to my Laptop, which meant that in my spare time anywhere, even if there was no internet access, I could package my evaluation questions.

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