Saturday 4 February 2017

Production: Poster draft 1

This was our very first attempt in using Photoshop to create our horror movie poster and in this poster we attempted to show the past and the present, thus the travel in time. We also received written feedback for this poster from our target audience. 
Here are some:

What went well:
1) The photos have been well taken, as the navy blue light behind the forefront character highlights the head of the character and gives the poster a mysterious vibe,

2) The filter used on the face behind the forefront character clearly indicates the change in time and tells me as an audience that this character may be the evil being in the horror film.

3)The font choice for the poster is excellent, because it shows that this poster is a horror film poster.

1) Editing needs to improve, as the image behind the large face has not been carefully edited to remove the silver chain in order to maintain the historical effect of the filter.

2)The logo of  the company ruins the vibe of the poster, because it is far too big and the use of lime green is overpowering and takes away the dark texture of the poster.

3) This poster is not complete as it does not have the conventional features of a films poster, such as the film credits and release date.

4) Lighten the pupils of the image in the foreground to mask the reflection of light on the eyes,

5) The title of the film should be edited to include the colour red, for example to create another layer then copy and paste our title, and colour the copy in a deep red colour. The copy of title should be placed behind the first title and it should be positioned to around 2 cm away from the first title. This could be done to create a shadow effect on the title as well as incorporate the conventional colour of red in to the poster.

6) The blue light behind the forefront picture of the modern protagonist should be removed so that only a 1 cm of blue light is shown around the head of the modern protagonist to highlight him.

7) Lastly, the background could be changed from black to a 1950s film background, to show a change in time.

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