Thursday 16 February 2017

Production: Title sequence contingency plan

While we were editing our film, me and my partner came across the problem of not having enough time to squeeze in our idea for our title sequence, thus we decided to come up with a second idea to fit in a title sequence for our film.

Our idea is to superimpose the title of our film and only a few credits, such as the production company name in the empty spaces of our film footage at the beginning of the film. This would work, because our film starts of with our actor being on the far right of the rule of thirds, thus this gave us space to input the film Title and required credits, In doing so, we are aiming to be efficient with the time we have.

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Audience Feedback 1: Radio trailer draft 1

Production: Initial Idea for title sequence

For our title sequence, we decided to superimpose an old newspaper from the 1950's. We decided to use the headline as our space to show the title and the credits, by first having the headline of the newspaper as our film title, "The Living Past" and then each letter would fade away leaving one letter which would start the second word.

For example, From "The Living Past" all letters except for P would fade away and the Letter P would start the word "Produced" for the sentence "Produced by SFS Studios"

Monday 13 February 2017

Production: Poster Improvements

This is what our audience have said about our new poster:


1) It contains the conventional elements of a horror poster, such as the use of a dark block colour background and an overall sinister house-style.

2) The manipulation of lighting and the use of a filter to represent time were very cleverly done and the wanted effect of the poster being scary has been achieved.


1) The editing could be a bit more tighter, such as reducing the opacity of the hand clock between the two images,

2) The company logo needs to be bigger and in line with the film certification.

3) The release date should be moved slightly for a neater finish,

Thursday 9 February 2017

Production: Poster Draft 3 editing

Due to an actor change, it meant that the images used in our poster had to be changed, as wed decided to keep the layout and house style the same, but just replace the images of our protagonist. However, we found it difficult to get the lighting on the face of our protagonist, the same as in the original poster, thus we used the lighting tool on Photoshop to increase the lighting on certain areas of our protagonists face and create more shadows in certain areas of our protagonists face.

Monday 6 February 2017

Production: Poster draft 2

From the improvement suggested in the first draft, we have made various additions and changes to our film poster. Firstly, the film credits were added in the conventional font used in general film posters and the release date of our film. Secondly, we removed our company logo, because we did not think it was necessary to place our film company logo, as it took up too much space and the colors did not match the overall color scheme of our horror film poster. Lastly, we added newspaper ratings in order to make horror poster seem more professional and realistic.

Saturday 4 February 2017

Production: Poster draft 1

This was our very first attempt in using Photoshop to create our horror movie poster and in this poster we attempted to show the past and the present, thus the travel in time. We also received written feedback for this poster from our target audience. 
Here are some:

What went well:
1) The photos have been well taken, as the navy blue light behind the forefront character highlights the head of the character and gives the poster a mysterious vibe,

2) The filter used on the face behind the forefront character clearly indicates the change in time and tells me as an audience that this character may be the evil being in the horror film.

3)The font choice for the poster is excellent, because it shows that this poster is a horror film poster.

1) Editing needs to improve, as the image behind the large face has not been carefully edited to remove the silver chain in order to maintain the historical effect of the filter.

2)The logo of  the company ruins the vibe of the poster, because it is far too big and the use of lime green is overpowering and takes away the dark texture of the poster.

3) This poster is not complete as it does not have the conventional features of a films poster, such as the film credits and release date.

4) Lighten the pupils of the image in the foreground to mask the reflection of light on the eyes,

5) The title of the film should be edited to include the colour red, for example to create another layer then copy and paste our title, and colour the copy in a deep red colour. The copy of title should be placed behind the first title and it should be positioned to around 2 cm away from the first title. This could be done to create a shadow effect on the title as well as incorporate the conventional colour of red in to the poster.

6) The blue light behind the forefront picture of the modern protagonist should be removed so that only a 1 cm of blue light is shown around the head of the modern protagonist to highlight him.

7) Lastly, the background could be changed from black to a 1950s film background, to show a change in time.

Friday 3 February 2017

Production: Typography contingency plan

Originally for our poster title we were going to use the font Frisky Vampire, but we decided that this font did not represent the use of time, which is a significant element in our film. Thus, for our poster title , we have decided to go for the font Time to get a watch, because of the clock effect of the letters.