Sunday 7 August 2016

R3: Shakiena's anaylsis of question 1 to 5 of audience survey

Audience survey analysis 

Q1: What is your age?
           We had 21/21 responses in this question
·         5/21 are aged 16
·         9/21 are aged 17
·         2/21 are aged 18
·         2/21 are aged 19
·         1/21 is aged 21
·         1/21 is aged 22
·         1/21 is aged 26
·         This shows that our respondents are predominately 17 years old in which we may consider creating them us our target audience.

Q2: Do you like watching horror movies?

It seems that more than half of our responses (62%) like watching horror movies and around 33% do not like watching horror movies, with around 5% who are not sure. This result will give us well-rounded answers ensuring that our answers are not bias.

Q3: What elements of the horror genre is appealing to you and why?

      we had a total of 20/21 responses for this question
·         4/20 0f our responses did not suggest anything.
·         2/20 of our responses enjoyed the suspense and tension of the story
·         3/20 of our responses enjoyed the jump scares and unexpected parts.
·         3/20 of our responses enjoy the suspicious and suspenseful music that we hear in horror movies
·         9/20 of our responses gave individual responses which included very unique ideas compared from the above responses:
“The realism of the gory parts”

“Suspense and mystery”

“The fact that you won’t ever get bored”

“The terror”

“I like it when the characters figure out something, for example what the monster is or who the ghost is, because to me the film has meaning when the characters have to figure something out”

“I like the graphics and the thrill of the jump scares, because to me that is experiencing horror”

“The thrill and the plot twist”

“The idea of suing fear and presenting fear to entertain people”

“The in cooperation of the supernatural and beyond life, because that kind of stuff fascinate me”

A few responses stood out to us in particular. For example, when “characters figure out something” is an excellent idea to create a plot around as it doesn’t leave the audience hanging given that this is common for many horror movies to do so. Moreover, a respondent commented on the graphics of a horror movie which is important and means that we must ensure that the graphics of our products are realistic looking.

4) If there was one way in which the horror genre in movies can be developed to you as an audience, what would you suggest and why?

      From my analysis, it seems that we have 20/21 responses in which 3/20 are answered “N/A”.
·         3 respondents commented saying that the concept of a horror movie should be realistic mentioning the movie Carrie or Child’s play.
·         2 respondents commented saying that the concept shouldn’t be predictable, as it tends to be cliché and less appealing to watch. They suggested that there should be a good element of fear to overrun the predictability. Moreover, a horror movie shouldn’t end in a cliff hanger as it is regarded as being to “boring” and “predictable”.
·         An important result we received from one respondent mention saying that the storyline of a horror movie should make sense and it shouldn’t simply jump onto scary elements.
·         There had been 2 respondents commented on music & sound. One suggested that music shouldn’t be the only element that creates horror however another comment suggested that there should be more scary sounds.
·         We had one respondent commenting on the fact that there is not any room for developments in horror movies as each horror movie impacts on a wide range of audiences differently.
·         We also gained  many more individual responses with more uniqueness and ideas in their answer like so:
Improve lighting so we can actually see what's going on, as although the dark creates a more fearful atmosphere it's ruined by the viewers’ annoyance that they can't actually see what's going on”

“I think if there was less of a 'tension' filled atmosphere and the surprised coming randomly, it would appeal to me even more than it already does”

“Perhaps the horror genre should have more elements where the characters reach a solution not a cliff hanger, because it is to cliché to have a cliff hanger”

“There needs to be more period horror films, because i feel like it provides a further scare factor, as I think we view people in the past weaker than people now”

“Many times the ending of horror movies disappoint me, as they tend to either end extremely ambiguously (where i am left feeling confused) or flat out obvious, such as showing the ghost right in front of the camera”

“The storyline is dragged on too much and the climax is finished too quickly”

“There should be more comedy”
There were some comments that stood out to us the most which were the lighting that can be improved in horror movies. We think this is extremely important as a lot of the time, the theme of a horror movie is dark colors. It is often hard to work with the lighting of a dark themed movie as we need to adjust the lighting to a perfect density ensuring that it is not to bright but bright enough for the audience to see what’s going on.
There was another comment suggesting that rather than building up the tension to a suspenseful moment, the suspenseful moment should just happen randomly as it thrills the audience
One comment that stood out the most to us was that a commenting suggesting that there should be “more period horror films” as it seems that it is not as often we get a good historical horror film.
All of these suggestions are things we have taken into consideration to create a good 

5) Along with the horror genre, what sub-genre would you prefer to watch in a movie?

It seems that there have been 57% of people who prefer mystery as the sub-genre of our movie which has been the most voted.  The second sub-genre that was voted as one of the popular choices was comedy. Our third popular choice that was voted was having drama as our sub-genre. From this we now have a stronger idea for what our possible sub-genre and plot of our movie can be.

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